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Your counselor at GAP is Roxaña Magana. Her job is to work with you on setting goals and getting focused so you can be successful here at GAP. Your post secondary advisor is Kaitlyn Vasquez . If college is your goal, Kaity will help walk you through the steps to help you get there. Whatever your goals are, Roxana and Kaity will help you understand exactly what you need to do to achieve those goals. 


Roxana and Kaitlyn can assist you with areas such as: 

  • Transcript, credits and other things related to graduation
  • Choosing a career
  • Applying for college
  • Paying for college through financial aid (FAFSA)
  • Internship or Apprenticeship Opportunities
  • Concurrent Enrollment at AIMS

Our social worker at GAP is Suzannah Fuller. 

Our social worker can assist you in areas such as:

  • Linking to community resources such as housing and food and medical care
  • Anger or Stress
  • Anxiety and Depression
  • Suicidal Thoughts
  • Trauma or Abuse
  • LGBT Concerns